Kairntech Webinar, Tuesday Feb 28, 15:30 CET on Automatic Contract Analysis
Automatic Contract Analysis helps saving time and increasing efficiency in Audit & Due Dilligence activities. Kairntech is a No Code NLP / AI platform that allow domain experts to build such a system using powerful Machine Learning methods, all without coding. Want to find out how to do it? Register Many real-world scenarios in document analysis require combining various steps: Take for instance the task of extracting relevant information from a specific type of contracts, where the initial document collection contains many different types of documents. Such a scenario requires combining different approaches: 👉 First identifying the relevant documents in the larger document collection, 👉 Then identifying the relevant information (the effective date, the signing parties, their addresses…). In our contract analysis webinar we will outline how to build such a processing NLP pipeline. We will walk the audience through an example of finding lease contracts in a larger set of documents and then extract key information from the identified relevant subset, simulating a task that may need to be addressed in the course of an audit or a due diligence. The webinar will be: 👉 in english, 👉 free of charge and 👉 will take 40mn, leaving us time to address individual questions. Looking forward to seeing you there. Your Kairntech Team www.kairntech.com Register |
Kairntech, 29 chemin du vieux chêne, 38240 Meylan, France