Kairntech Webinar, Tuesday Feb 28, 15:30 CET on Automatic Contract Analysis

Auto­ma­tic Contract Ana­ly­sis helps saving time and increa­sing effi­cien­cy in Audit & Due Dilli­gence acti­vi­ties.

Kairn­tech is a No Code NLP / AI plat­form that allow domain experts to build such a sys­tem using power­ful Machine Lear­ning methods, all without coding.

Want to find out how to do it?

  Regis­ter   Many real-world sce­na­rios in docu­ment ana­ly­sis require com­bi­ning various steps: Take for ins­tance the task of extrac­ting rele­vant infor­ma­tion from a spe­ci­fic type of contracts, where the ini­tial docu­ment col­lec­tion contains many dif­ferent types of docu­ments.

Such a sce­na­rio requires com­bi­ning dif­ferent approaches:

👉 First iden­ti­fying the rele­vant docu­ments in the lar­ger docu­ment col­lec­tion,

👉 Then iden­ti­fying the rele­vant infor­ma­tion (the effec­tive date, the signing par­ties, their addresses…).
In our contract ana­ly­sis webi­nar we will out­line how to build such a pro­ces­sing NLP pipe­line.
We will walk the audience through an example of fin­ding lease contracts in a lar­ger set of docu­ments and then extract key infor­ma­tion from the iden­ti­fied rele­vant sub­set, simu­la­ting a task that may need to be addres­sed in the course of an audit or a due dili­gence.
The webi­nar will be:
👉 in english,

free of charge and

will take 40mn, lea­ving us time to address indi­vi­dual ques­tions.

Loo­king for­ward to seeing you there.

Your Kairn­tech Team

Kairn­tech, 29 che­min du vieux chêne, 38240 Mey­lan, France